Customize the Quartus II tasks flow to run fitter and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer only

This is how you can customize the Quartus II tasks flow to only run fitter and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer without running elaboration and synthesis first. Without this, the tasks flow will not allow you to customize it this way. You have to run fitter manually and run TimeQuest manually after fitter had finish.


  1. Copy and paste the Tcl code example below into a text editor. 
  2. Save the text file as Tcl script with ".tcl" as extension.
  3. Click "Customize" button at the tasks window.
  4. Create and new flow based on "none" existing flow. Lets name this flow as "refit".
  5. Click Ok and you will be prompt with a customization window. Click the "Tcl Scripts" button located at the bottom left.
  6. Name the task name as "refit".
  7. Point the Tcl file name to the location of the Tcl script.
  8. Click Ok. You will see a knew tasks flow based on Tcl script.

Example Tcl code

# Place & Route
execute_module -tool fit
# TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
execute_module -tool sta


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