
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Making of Capillary Action Alcohol Stove

Capillary action alcohol stove in action This is a simpler stove to make. There is no epoxy needed to seal parts like the Open Jet Alcohol Stove . All i need to do, were just marking, cutting and crimping the grooves for the capillaries. This type of stove uses the crimped grooves as capillary action for the alcohol vapors to escape through it.  When the stove is lighted, it takes about few seconds to heat up the stove and boil the alcohol inside. In no time the alcohol vapors escape through the crimped grooves and catches the fire from the center hole. Immediately it creates the vapor jet flames. From my initial observation, the jet flames from the capillaries(sides) are bigger compare to my previous Open Jet Alcohol Stove . I have not run any boiling tests with this stove so i don't have any numbers to analyze the efficiency of this type of stove. I have not prepare much detail steps in making this stove but if you interested, let me know. Below are some of my photo shots i took ...

The difference between state context and event context in Tasker

I notice that there are similarities between some of the state context methods and event context methods when creating a Tasker profile. I did a little research on various posts from the internet and this is what i can understand. State Context Profile A profile that has state context will be active as long as the context is met. A state context profile will have an enter task and an exit task. When a state context profile becomes active, the enter task will run once and the profile will wait until it becomes inactive back. Once the profile becomes inactive, it will run the exit task. Any settings change through state context profile will restore to the original settings after profile becomes inactive. This happens even without explicitly restore the settings using exit task. An exit task can sometimes run before the same profile’s entry task, if that entry task has a Wait action that delays part of the entry task for so long that the profile becomes inactive. Event Context Profile A p...

Run Quartus II fitter and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer sweeping a list of fitter seed numbers automatically

This Tcl script will help you can to run Quartus II fitter seed sweep without the help of Design Space Explorer. Running fitter seeds sweeping without Design Space Explorer is always a pain in the ass. You have to manually change the seed number, run fitter, run STA and record down the Static Timing Analysis results for comparison later. And if you have 10 seeds to sweep, you will have to re do it again for nine more times. This is a Quartus II Tcl script that automates it. Steps Copy and paste the Tcl code example into a text editor.  Change the "top" design name according to the Quartus II design name. Save the text file as Tcl script with ".tcl" as extension. Example Tcl code # This tcl is used to sweep seed by running fitter and STA, the timing report will be stored in seed_rpt directory load_package flow load_package report # Specify project name and revision name set project_name top set project_revision top # Set seeds set seedList {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} set ...

Run Quartus II fitter and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer automatically using Tcl script

This is a Quartus II Tcl script that will automate the fitter and TimeQuest Timing Analyzer automatically sequentially. By default in Quartus II, the tasks flow customization does not allow running fitter first without running elaboration and synthesis first. This is one of the pre-requisites Altera enforce on the tasks flow. Some times when optimizing a FPGA design by playing around the fitter settings, you will just need to rerun fitter and TimeQuest to get the timing analysis results of the fitter settings change. This script is intended to be use as the script file argument for the "quartus_sh" command line. Steps Copy and paste the Tcl code example into a text editor.  Change the "top" design name according to the Quartus II design name. Save the text file as Tcl script with ".tcl" as extension. Example Tcl codes load_package flow load_package report set project_name top set project_revision top project_open -revision $project_revision $project_name #...