
Showing posts from June, 2010

An Alternative Way To Uninstall Applications in Nokia 5800 XM

If you are a person who likes to install tons of applications, going through the long list of installed applications in the Applications Manager to uninstall is a bit of a challenge. There is an another easy way to uninstall installed applications without going through that list. There is already a "remove" function built in the menus' options. This function will enable you to easily look for the application that you want to uninstall. Main menu > Apps  Options > Organise  Select the applications you want to uninstall.  Options > Remove  Answer "Yes" for the confirmation of the uninstall.

How To Start VNC Session With Gnome Desktop

Ever wonder how to start an individual desktop session with VNC? Below are the steps on how to modify the VNC startup script to start the GNOME desktop prior to the login user who started the VCN server command. Make sure VNC is installed in the system. Edit $HOME/. vnc / xstartup . Uncomment : unset SESSION_MANAGER Uncomment : exec /etc/X11/ xinit / xinitrc Comment : xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$ VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & Comment : twm & Add " gnome-session & " under the " exec /etc/X11/ xinit / xinitrc " line. The Xstartup file should look like this ( Red : added line, Blue : modified line) : ---------- #!/bin/sh # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop: unset SESSION_MANAGER exec /etc/X11 / xinit / xinitrc gnome-session & [ -x /et c/ vnc / xstartup ] && exec /etc/ vnc / xstartup [ -r $HOME/. Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/. Xresources xsetroot -solid grey vncconfig -iconic & #xterm -g...

A Tehnorati Claim


Sync Contacts Between Google Contacts & Nokia 5800 XM using SyncML

Ever wonder that it would be nice to synchronize your Nokia 5800 XM phone contacts (phone number, emails, etc...) with Google contacts? Well, you can actually do that. This is part of the technology of SyncML that was enabled by Google for quite some time now. Goto " Settings > Connectivity > Data Transfer > Sync > Options > New sync profile " or " Contacts > Options > Synchronisation > Settings > Create New " to start the wizard. Page 1/10: Profile Name Any name that floats your boat. Page 2/10: Server Version " 1.2 " Page 3/10: Applications in sync check only " Contacts " option Page 4/10: Contacts Database " contacts ". Must be all lowercase! Page 5/10: Data bearer " Internet " Page 6/10: Host address " http s :// m. syncml " Page 7/10: Server ID " Google " Page 8/10: Username "your gmail address that includes the " Page 9/10: Password "y...

Setup Gmail Using the Built-In Email Client in Nokia 5800XM

From firmware v41 onwards the default email setup flow in the phone seems to run Nokia Email setup by default. However, the old default email client still exist in the phone. This is for those who are still have the love for the older email client in Nokia 5800 XM. Messaging > Settings > Sync e-mail Double tap Mailboxes Click " Yes " if asked to define a mailbox. A setup wizard will start. Click " Start " to begin setup. Page 1/6: Mailbox type " IMAP4 " Page 2/6: My e-mail address enter your gmail address Page 3/6: Incoming mail server " " Page 4/6: Outgoing mail server " " Page 5/6: Access point i use " Default connection " Page 6/6: Mailbox name Any name that floats your boat Click " OK " to end setup Goto your newly setup gmail in your Messaging . Goto " Options > Email Settings ". Goto " Connection settings > Incoming e-mail " Set " Security ...